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Understanding Account Abstraction Schnorr Multi-Signatures

Mon, Mar 25, 20249 min read

Category: Code stories
Understanding Account Abstraction Schnorr Multi-Signatures


In today’s article, we continue the journey through public and private keys, blockchain algorithms, and Account Abstraction. Let’s focus on the complicated matter of ECDSA signatures and how to enable multisig transactions on Ethereum, shall we?

Oskar Karcz
Oskar Karcz

Blockchain Developer at Rumble Fish

What is Account Abstraction and Why is It Important? EIP-4337 Explained

Thu, Feb 29, 20247 min read

Category: Business stories
What is Account Abstraction and Why is It Important? EIP-4337 Explained

Account abstraction in Ethereum represents a groundbreaking shift in how users engage with decentralized applications (dApps). It introduces a novel paradigm where assets can be exclusively held by smart contracts rather than externally owned accounts (EOAs). At the heart of this innovation lies the ERC-4337 standard, which unlocks the potential of smart contract crypto wallets on the Ethereum blockchain.

Agnieszka Dobosz
Agnieszka Dobosz

Head of Business Development

The Current State of Knowledge About Zero Knowledge. Comprehensive Private Token Overview - Part 3

Mon, Jan 29, 202410 min read

Category: Code stories
The Current State of Knowledge About Zero Knowledge. Comprehensive Private Token Overview - Part 3

In the previous part of the series, we delved into seemingly unrelated topics about blockchain, zero-knowledge proofs, and privacy. Now, let’s transition to practical considerations and explore the tools available for developers.

Undoubtedly, the creation of any kind of ZK technology needs ZK Proof. How can we create it? 

Oskar Karcz
Oskar Karcz

Blockchain Developer at Rumble Fish

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